
Have a good understanding of computing technology and be confident using it. Understand how technology can be used to support and help us achieve success and improve our everyday lives. Be safe and trusting users of the internet, understanding the responsibility of using it correctly.

We work alongside the scheme of work provided by Purple Mash. Purple Mash is an engaging creative online space from 2Simple. It hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, that help us to weave computing into children's everyday learning across the curriculum. The system gives children access to a wide range of creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day. From poems to newspapers, masks and 3D models, animations and textured paintings, Purple Mash supports our creative curriculum throughout the year and helps us to create an inspiring learning environment for our children. 
We also support our Computing curriculum with physical hardware- such as micro bits for coding in KS2 and beebots in KS1. We also use National Online Safety to help deliver Online Safety. 
We enrich the computing curriculum by encouraging its use across all aspects of the curriculum and engaging in STEM competitions and activities- such as ULVERSTEM, Primary Engineer and Lego League. 

Our drivers of diversity, being active, learning behaviours and spirituality (including our drivers) are a key part of computing. For example, in KS2 they used micro bits to create pedometers and the awe and wonder of the power of technology will never cease to amaze!

Children are assessed against our curriculum endpoints through a variety of different methods: small assessment tasks, retrieval practice, low-stake quizzes, classroom responses and teacher judgements. Leaders monitor teaching and learning through child voice, parental questionnaires as well as online work looks and learning walks and using the online app SeeSaw to record evidence of learning. The development of the children in school is also monitored through daily informal conversations.

  • Children will develop lifelong learning behaviours such as pride, resilience and team work.
  • Our children will be able to understand, appreciate and success in modern Britain.
  • Our children will develop a lifelong love of learning through our vision and drivers
  • Our children will be responsible global citizens and courageous advocates through t
  • The Christian Values we have instilled in them during their time in school.
  • All children will leave our school, fully equipped for the next stage in their learning.

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