Art and Design

Art and Design Intent

To have direct teaching of the artistic skills so that children are confident when applying them. To be given the opportunity to be creative and to use those skills in other areas of the curriculum. To learn about key artists and how their work can influence our learning. Progression in each discipline has been deliberately woven into the fabric of the curriculum. We prepare the children to be expressive and to enter later life with a love of creativity. 

Curriculum Drivers

Our drivers are diversity, being active, learning behaviours and spirituality and they are a key part of art and design. For example, looking at different artists and how their work can represent different aspects of everyday life. 


The Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP) is used as a base for teaching and learning in Art and Design. CUSP, rooted in evidence, research and cognitive science, is designed to be cumulative, coherent and connected.

Each learning module covers a particular set of artistic disciplines. These include:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • printmaking
  • textiles
  • 3D
  • collage

There is a progression of skills to each disciplines and pupils revisit key disciplines throughout their primary journey with increasing degrees of complexity and challenge.

Enrichment Activities

We enrich the art and design curriculum by having whole school art projects each term, with children’s work being displayed in our art gallery. The children also have the opportunity to enter their artwork into a local agricultural show. Artwork is also shown and celebrated in our assemblies. 


Children are assessed against our curriculum endpoints and  through a variety of different methods: retrieval practice, low-stake quizzes, classroom responses and teacher judgements. Annotated examples of sketchbook work are also used to support the assessment of pupil outcomes.

Leaders monitor teaching and learning through child voice, parental questionnaires as well as book looks and learning walks and using the online app SeeSaw to record evidence of learning. The development of the children in school is also monitored through daily informal conversations.

  • Children will develop lifelong learning behaviours such as pride, resilience and team work.
  • Our children will be able to understand, appreciate and success in modern Britain.
  • Our children will develop a lifelong love of learning through our vision and drivers.
  • Our children will be responsible global citizens and courageous advocates through the Christian Values we have instilled in them during their time in school.
  • All children will leave our school, fully equipped for the next stage in their learning.

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